Tech Trends from CES

By on Mar 22, 2023 in Technology

Significant changes in technology are coming. At the 2023 Consumer Electronic Show (CES) in Las Vegas, recognized for underscoring the latest technology, Steve Koenig, Consumer Technology Association vice president of market research, highlights the newest tech-savvy trends.

CES tech savvy and virtual reality headsets

“Cybersecurity, cloud, artificial intelligence, and robotics are all part of it and underpins the effort and the global economy,” Koenig said. This includes speed and increased productivity benefits, improving worker safety, and optimizing space.

He continues, “The metaverse is closer than you think. Metaverse is still a speculative term but make no mistake, this is a real trend, just as the internet was a real trend in the early 1990s, even though many of us didn’t know what it was. That’s the same dynamic manifesting around the metaverse right now.”

Advertisements and how consumers shop look different today compared to 20 years ago. Using the metaverse and online shopping, consumers can push a shopping cart in “an elevated sense of immersion,” said Koenig. In addition, virtual meetings with sales associates when purchasing a new computer or shoes will be more common, allowing the sales representative to show the features in detail.

Many are turning to electric cars with technological advancements and more autonomous transportation advancements. With a decline in truck drivers, soon the answer will be self-driving trucks, predicts Koenig. “Humans are nice to have. Technology is the answer.”

Robots are becoming more advanced, especially in sustainability. For example, farmers are now using more windmills, farming robots, soil sensors, and intelligent silos. In addition, John Deere won the 2023 Best of Innovation at the CES show for a fully autonomous tractor.

Regarding the gaming world, data shows that there are over 164 million self-described gamers in the US market, according to research from the CES show. However, that number is only expected to grow and increase when the metaverse is involved. Koenig said people seek gaming for entertainment, escapism, competition, community, connection, and socialization. Most gamers average 24 hours per week playing.

Telehealth has many technology trends, from remote doctor visits to digital therapeutics. Even personal training and fitness now offers training through zoom classes. Virtual reality headsets can help improve mental health. Imagine being bedridden but still able to climb mountains using a virtual reality headset.