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Casuta Bucuriei
By Katrina McDowell on Apr 4, 2024 in Giving, Global
Asociatia Casuta Bucuriei, a non-governmental organization supported by Yardi Romania, was founded in 2015 in Cluj Napoca, Romania. Casuta Bucuriei is a housing organization that offers a home for ten children from the state protection system.

They provide education, housing and a family life to help them grow into independent adults. Casuta Bucuriei plans to refresh the house interior this year since it was last painted almost ten years ago and will be investing in its courtyard.
Funding from Yardi helps Casuta Bucuriei continue to provide a safe environment for its children and allows them to finalize improvements needed in the home. “We are grateful for the continued support provided by Yardi,” said Adela Florean, president of Casuta Bucuriei.
Andreea’s Story
Andreea is the oldest girl hosted by Casuta Bucuriei. She successfully overcame all the difficulties in her life as a child.
Coming from a broken home, Andreea and her older brother had several obstacles to endure at the beginning of their lives, from having no acceptance in their immediate family and having to live in parks, bars and wherever they could find shelter. Her brother became part of a street gang and looked out for Andreea as best he could before Andreea found comfort with the owner of the bar she was sleeping in at the age of three.
Mrs. Maria took Andreea in so she could attend school and be warm in a comfortable home with love and affection. However, Andreea was eight years old when Mrs. Maria became paralyzed in bed, and Andreea had to enter the state protection system.

Andreea found a foster sister in the second foster home, where she finally could feel love again and thrive. Until the age of 14, Andreea had emotional stability and harmonious development, but then tragedy struck again, and their foster maternal assistant fell ill, becoming unfit to raise the girls.
A case manager with the DGASPC stepped in and found the best solution for them: a place where they could have access to education, learn at a good school, be loved and above all, stay together. Andreea became very close and attached to Adela, and when the new home, Casuta Bucuriei, opened, Andreea transferred there.
Andreea is now 24 years old and continues contributing by working with Casuta Bucuriei’s children as a social worker within the organization. Find future non-profit profiles at