Amol Jammu

By on Jan 30, 2024 in People

Yardi’s global offices make essential contributions to property management and investors worldwide. Today, we introduce Amol Jammu, the West Residential Leasing Solutions 1’s assistant technical account manager.

Meet Amol Jammu

Amol Jammu has worked with Yardi for almost two years and looks forward to being promoted soon. Jammu spends his work hours talking and engaging with clients he oversees. Meeting with clients daily, Jammu discusses ongoing company initiatives, workflows and where they need help with their Yardi products. When Jammu is not in client meetings, he works in the Site Manager program and CRM, where he can fix clients’ issues or set up workflows to achieve their end goals. Jammu is constantly researching and reading into different Yardi products and testing in practice environments. Jammu enjoys connecting with clients face-to-face and helping them with any issues they might encounter.

“It’s really rewarding when I can solve issues for clients and see the impact on their day-to-day operations,” said Jammu.

Office Synergy

Jammu appreciates Yardi’s commitment to providing employees with all the tools to do the job effectively. Everyone in the company is willing to lend a helping hand, which makes giving support to customers much more accessible.

“The approach to teamwork is truly gratifying because I always feel reassured and supported when my workload gets heavy. I never feel like I’m alone with my problems or that I can’t ask for help,” Jammu explained.

Jammu describes Yardi as the perfect place to start a career. “I’ve heard so many horror stories about how people’s first jobs were, and it really puts a smile on my face that I can’t relate to that. Yardi really feels like being a part of a family that cares about your work, your life outside of it, and most importantly, your development as a person.”

Yardi is hiring globally! Interested prospective employees can explore opportunities on the Careers site.

Eat, Run, Laugh

Jammu spends his time outside of the office playing sports or in nature. He loves the outdoors, and his favorite hobby is running, so every day includes a run. On the weekends, he hangs out with friends, going to concerts, hiking or cooking.

Jammu also runs an Instagram page where he posts a “song of the day” on his stories that makes him happy, smiles, cries, or reflects what his vibe is for the day.

“It’s essentially my digital diary but conveyed through my favorite medium!”

Learn more about the dynamic members of #TeamYardi on the People page.