Call Center Value

By on May 28, 2019 in News

Stress comes in different forms. The anticipation of relocating, weighing our housing options, and investing in a new lease or mortgage all lead to stress. When we’re hit with stress, we seek human interaction for help and comfort.

Yet in the age of efficiency, stressed-out prospects and residents are channeled to self-service technologies like websites, apps, and robot assistants. When we fail to balance automation with the human touch, we distance ourselves from our customers and our relationships falter.

Humans Prefer Humans to Close Deals

Harvard Business School conducted a study on how people feel about their investment choices with and without the assistance of a human advocate. Researchers published their findings in an article in Harvard Business Review.

The study reveals that, “anxious customers interacting through self-service technology feel dissatisfied with their decisions even when those decisions appear aligned with their goals. Their dissatisfaction reduced their trust in the service provider.”

Researchers were able to boost investor confidence and decrease anxiety with the addition of human interaction. In some cases, the human was a peer. In other cases, the human was an investment expert. In both scenarios, “when people had the ability to connect with another person – either an expert or a peer – the deleterious effects of anxiety were offset. “

The ability to interact with a human also increases the likelihood of closing a deal. In the experiment, applicants moving forward with the deal jumped from 64 percent to 80 percent when customers receiving automated messages were also invited to interact with a human for guidance.

RentCafe Connect: Streamlined Efficiency with a Human Touch

As a software company, we take pride in the efficiencies that we can offer through automated services. But we also acknowledge that the human element is essential to establishing trust and loyalty with prospects and residents. 

RentCafe Connect blends automation with the human touch for maximum impact. You can capture leads and increase property occupancy with a flexible call center solution that fits your budget. Prospects and residents benefit from human interaction when they need it most: before investing in your property or when that 2am leak in their unit may lead to stress and dissatisfaction.

We can also help to keep your stress levels low. You control your marketing spend with on-demand scheduling. Easily scale your spending up or down to meet the needs of your business.

Less stress for everyone is a good thing! Learn more about RentCafe  Connect.