Twitter Ads

By on Sep 11, 2015 in Marketing

Twitter can place your business on the screens of 288 million monthly active users. Well, that’s its potential, anyway. If Twitter ads aren’t a part of your Marketing Genius strategy, you’re missing out on the opportunity to reach your Twitter customers on a platform that they interact with daily. What’s worse, you’re also missing out on countless new clients.

Engaging with existing clients and attracting new ones isn’t exactly easy with Twitter. Fortunately, it canshutterstock_255572791 be a more rewarding experience than advertising through other means. Twitter targets your audience based on their interests, including who they follow and what they’ve searched for in the past. The platform also puts your message in front of their eyes at the time when they’re most likely to engage. Lastly, Twitter charges based on engagement, which can save money. With just one click, you can reap a low-cost conversion.

Few other marketing tools are organized like Twitter, so you’ll want to determine which type of ad corresponds to your end goal. Check out your options below:

Promoted Tweets

If you’re promoting a property or unit, your best bet may be a Promoted Tweet. Promoted Tweets integrate seamlessly into users’ timelines amongst non-ad tweets. Offer all of the information needed for a renter to make the decision about the unit online right now. Include location, floor plan, cost, and a link for more info. Don’t forget to add an image, which can boost your conversion rate by 306%!

Promoted Videos

If you’ve created an awesome apartment tour or a heart-wrenching tenant testimonial, Promoted Videos can place your short film in users’ timelines. Promoted Videos increase users’ intent to purchase by 28% compared to similar TV commercials.

Promoted Trends

Another good alternative could be Promoted Trends. These hashtags begin or continue a conversation, making them ideal for single and reoccurring events such as your 4th of July pool party, resident referral contests, or Empire viewing parties. Hashtags generally don’t sell products, but they’re wonderful for engagement and exposure.

Promoted Accounts

If you simply want to gain more followers and increase exposure for your brand, then you may find Promoted Accounts to be more useful. A Promoted Account is recommended as “Who to Follow,” based on similar accounts subscribed to by the users. This makes it particularly important to ensure that your profile provides specific details and thorough descriptions—so that the right people are referred your way. Err on the side of too much detail rather than not enough.

With any ad that you choose, be sure to keep the content fresh and the context timely and appropriate!

Are Twitter ads a part of your Marketing Genius strategy? Tell the RentCafe community about your successes and the challenges that you’ve encountered along the way.