Business Travel

By on Dec 5, 2013 in News

As busy as business travel might feel, it can actually be a sedentary lifestyle. After hours of sitting on a plane  and munching airport Foodfood snacks, we shuffle into a cab. Then we chug coffee while sitting in meetings for hours. To wrap up the day, we go out to restaurants for dinner and cocktails before repeating it all the next week—or the next day. It takes a concerted effort to stay healthy when travel consumes much of our schedules.

Making healthier decisions during travel can carry a great impact. We can minimize stress levels, improve our physical health, and ultimately decrease healthcare costs for ourselves and our companies. These healthier decisions usually start off small (and sustainable) before growing into lifestyle changes that can improve our well-being.

Looking for a place to start? Begin with a few fun tips for staying healthy on the road.

  1. Airplane cabins have a relative humidly of less than 10 percent. That’s more arid than the Sahara! Low humidity and recirculated air lead to dehydration. Even mild dehydration causes fatigue and limits our ability to concentrate. Beat the odds by drinking at least 8 ounces of water for every hour that you’re in flight.
  2. That awkward little travel pillow is worth the space. Take the pillow and enjoy a nap. Good rest helps to rejuvenate the mind and the body. We can see health benefits with as little as 10-30 minutes of nap time.
  3. Pack healthy snacks into your travel on.  Healthy snacks that are high in fiber and vitamins provide energy for our bodies and enable us to fight off sickness. They also keep our metabolism active throughout the day.
  4. That Vegas buffet can be a nightmare for any professional who is attempting to stay healthy. Two tips may help: first, get the smaller plate. You can’t pile as much on it without looking ridiculous. Second, wait ten minutes before heading back to the buffet. This will give your brain more time to register if you’re really in need of seconds or thirds.
  5. Body weight apps have great suggestions for turning your hotel room into a productive gym space. Try BodyWeight Workout on iTunes or Decked! Challenge for Android. There’s no need for a gym, special equipment, or ideal weather to stay in shape.
  6. Make your layover as active as possible. Window shopping or even standing to read a magazine burns more calories and promotes better blood circulation than slouching in a chair at the gate.
  7. Americans are uniquely dependent on our cars. Many other nations excel in pedestrian access.  When traveling, walk or cycle to your destination when possible. It burns calories and gives you an opportunity for sightseeing.
  8. Balance every alcoholic beverage with a glass of water.  This will reduce dehydration, minimize useless calorie intake, and fill you up faster so that you drink (and spend) less.
  9. For longer trips, opt for a suite with a kitchenette. This gives you the opportunity to prepare at least one meal a day “at home” where you are fully in control of healthier options.
  10. Schedule time to exercise and relax in advance. This way, you’re being honest when you turn down an after party because you have a previous engagement–to take care of your mental and physical health!