Boycotting Bingo Feb05

Boycotting Bingo

From pinball to Pac-Man, arcade games and their video counterparts tend to be relegated to the children’s table – derided as juvenile entertainments that sap brainpower and encourage antisocial behavior. Lately, though, that perspective has shifted as more and more studies reveal a host of social and mental benefits associated with game play, especially for those 65 years and older. While a lot of study has gone into the effects of video games on children and young adults, in the past few years attention has shifted to how video game play can affect perceptual and cognitive abilities in older adults – specifically senior citizens aged 65 and older. Because age can influence an individual’s ability to participate in physical activities, many see video games as a perfect addition to senior living healthcare protocols. For many seniors facing mobility challenges, the interactive feature of online video games can with the isolation and deteriorating brain function so many elderly adults face as they age. With a plethora of options – from immersive adventure games to puzzle-solving offerings – video games can help enhance cognitive function and increase social interaction by allowing players to connect with other users through the game’s online community. A variety of studies has attempted to establish a connection between video game play and cognitive function. While many researchers have reported significantly improved mental functionality, including improved memory and analytical reasoning older adults as the result of playing a video game, the connection between video game play and increased cognitive function can be tenuous. A Frontiers in Psychology report from 2013 concluded, “video game interventions may hold promise in terms of addressing declines associated with cognitive aging, but there are still many unknowns.” Follow-up tests found that the seniors who played the strategy...