Creative + Sustainable Jun25

Creative + Sustainable...

As capital and operating costs continue to rise, businesses seek creative ways to reduce expenses while passing benefits to their clientele. A solution rests under their feet. Poorly-planned infrastructure leads to long term financial burdens on businesses and the communities in which they reside. By implementing sustainable infrastructure techniques, businesses can reduce maintenance expenses and minimize the need for infrastructure related tax increases. Such businesses will also appeal to the new generation of consumers who value innovation, sustainability, and responsible growth. Sustainable storm water management is a commonly overlooked aspect of green building yet it proves to be a worthy foundation upon which any business can establish better practices. A series of studies executed by American Rivers, the Water Environment Federation, the American Society of Landscape Architects and ECONorthwest uncover the numerous benefits of environmentally conscious storm water management. The report, issued by the Sustainable Cities Institute (SCI), concludes that green infrastructure can reduce upfront development costs, minimize the cost of future maintenance, and decimate daily operating costs. Those may seem like high claims for simply redirecting rainwater, but the evidence proves to be compelling. A new perspective on age-old problems Traditional urban planning treats storm water as a problem that requires billions in funds to rectify. A new line of thought approaches storm water as an asset that can be used to reduce operating costs and beautify man-made sites. The premise of the new mindset is simple: capture and treat water where it falls, rather than channeling it to a centralize system. In doing so, the water’s power may be harvested and the challenges of transporting contaminated runoff are minimized. Businesses interested in alternative infrastructure have several green options from which to choose, including porous pavement, street trees, green roofing, rain gardens and...