Smoke-Free PHA Aug05

Smoke-Free PHA

Philadelphia Housing Authority (PHA) is the most recent addition to the growing list of public housing organizations to ban smoking. Dozens of public housing authorities throughout the US, as well as private companies, have initiated smoking bans for residential units, common spaces, and offices. The policies are prompted by financial and health concerns. A report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveals that states could save $500 million per year by implementing a ban on smoking. By eliminating smoking on the premises, owners could save on the costs of cigarette-related fires, building renovations, and states could save on health care expenses related to smoking and secondhand smoke exposure. In separate studies, the CDC estimates that 44 million American adults smoke cigarettes, exposing them to the nation’s leading cause of preventable death. The habit can cause rheumatoid arthritis, colorectal cancer, and diabetes in addition to exacerbating asthma, respiratory diseases, and cardiovascular diseases. Secondhand smoke adversely affects the growth of children and the health of seniors. Last week, PHA became the largest housing authority to adopt a smoke-free policy. The authority’s 80,000 residents will be under a smoking ban beginning August 5, 2015. Current residents are not expected to quit cold turkey, nor will residents face eviction if they are found in violation of the band. Instead, the housing organization, with support from Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), has designated $100,000 for cessation programs to help residents with compliance. After nine months with this format, PHA will assess data collected on existing residents regarding their violations and participation in cessation classes. How that data will be used is unknown. Leases signed after August 5, as well as select rehabilitated units, will be subject to termination after the fourth violation of the smoking ban....

Stamping out Smoking Jun11

Stamping out Smoking

Last week we told you about the growing national trend of apartment communities that are prohibiting smoking altogether, rather than limiting smokers to certain apartments, and have been backed up by legislation in some states that OKs the restrictions. This month, Yardi client The Towbes Group of Santa Barbara, which has multifamily and commercial properties on California’s Central Coast, announced that it is going smoke free in all of its apartments. New renters moving in will be prohibited from smoking in their units, and any existing tenants are required to cease smoking on Towbes properties by the end of the year. The incentive for the change? Financial. Towbes vice president Jim Carrillo told the Los Angeles Times that the company spends considerably more rehabbing apartments for the next tenant if the previous occupant has been smoking in the unit. Residents with concerns about secondhand smoke and residual smoke that saturates walls and carpets will certainly welcome the change. With 13 apartment communities and nearly 2100 units, Towbes is the first major California property manager to institute a total on-site smoking ban. What do you think about the new legislation that offers landlords the chance to ban smoking? Would you prefer to rent in a smoke-free community? Or do you think the new legislation is too restrictive?...