Residents Speak Feb03

Residents Speak

A stellar online marketing strategy can be thwarted by negative reviews. The 2020 National Multifamily Housing Council & Kingsley Associates Apartment Resident Preferences Survey reports that 33% of renters highly value online reviews when deciding on an apartment. Are your reviews working for you or against you? Take the four steps below to ensure your online reviews are an asset. Who is paying attention to your online reviews? Renters of all ages use the internet for product research. Renters ages 25-34 years value online reviews the most. Nearly 40% of Millennial renters “highly value” the content of online reviews. While all your residents appreciate good customer service, younger renters are more likely to take their opinions to the web. They’re also more likely to seek out the opinions of others before deciding on a property. While some of the young renters are residents, most are prospects. Curiously, they’re searching out negative reviews. Studies show that since there are more positive reviews than negative ones, negative reviews are given greater value. Low-star reviews are scarce, so they’re held in higher esteem, like rare gems or box seats at a sporting event. That is why dissatisfied residents need extra care. Per the White House Office of Consumer Affairs, dissatisfied customers typically tell nine to 15 other people about their experience in person. The availability of online reviews can quickly escalate their reach. The negative review of a dissatisfied resident will reach hundreds of prospects each day, prospects who are already looking for negative reviews to narrow their apartment options. The four tips below can help you avoid and mitigate negative online reviews while boosting your positive online presence. Resolve issues online before reviews are posted online When renters have a concern, they are going to get online....