Housing Solutions Dec02

Housing Solutions

For a little over 100 years, Compass Family Services has worked to keep San Francisco families sheltered and protected from the vicissitudes of the city’s rental market. Bringing much-needed technological innovation to social services, San Francisco-based non-profit One Degree utilizes web and mobile platforms to create “modern, tech-driven solutions to the problems that plague the safety net of social services and nonprofit organizations.” One Home, a joint effort by Compass Family Services and One Degree, provides state-of-the-art property search software designed to help potential renters find a place that can house their family and fit their budget. By combining their efforts, Compass Family Services and One Homes hope to help the Bay Area’s most vulnerable citizens find a safe, stable place to raise their children and get their lives back on track. One Hundred Years of Service San Francisco sits at the epicenter of the nation’s affordable housing crisis. A tech industry boom combined with the allure of coastal California living has tightened the housing market and left many inhabitants struggling to find a home. For the area’s more economically challenged denizens, the most recent influx of well-heeled home buyers and high-end renters have pushed monthly housing expenses to unheard of levels, leaving many on the brink of homelessness. Dating back to the turn of the last century, Compass Family Services has dedicated its resources to assisting the city’s homeless and economically disadvantaged residents. With six programs serving more than 5000 parents and children each year, the organization’s tireless staff spends each day on the front lines of one of the nation’s tightest housing markets: the Bay Area. Compass Family Services provides housing, education and employments services to at-risk families. With 50% of their clientele under the age of 18 – and 90% below...