Continuing the Story Apr08

Continuing the Story

In our previous post, 5 Steps to Discovering Your Story,  we introduced the importance of consumers’ emotions in the sales process. You also identified features that can help your property stand out from the competition. Today, we will show you how to weave those points into a marketing story. This story creates an important emotional connection between prospects and your property—and that connection leads to sales! Weave the story web. Take a moment to review the information that you’ve gathered on your town, neighborhood, property, and its residents. What common themes or patterns stand out to you? Perhaps your property is a new construction in a recently developed part of town. It doesn’t offer much in terms of history, yet your property is positioned for a different type of story. Your story may revolve around fresh starts, new beginnings, and unlocking potential. Maybe your property is located in a working class suburb filled with families. These busy families yearn for a retreat that allows them to focus on quality time together and meaningful relationships. Your marketing story may focus on building a strong network of friendships in a welcoming and accepting environment. The options are endless. Use the results of your sleuthing to create a story about your community. Your story must fill a void in your prospects’ lives. Select your tone. Identify a narrative voice that will resonate with your target audience. Become comfortable with this voice so that it feels natural. Get feedback from a member of your target audience when needed. This voice will compose the text needed for your first campaign that will cross your website, blog, and social media. Remember, you will be able to tweak this voice over time based on campaign success. Curate captivating visuals. Photos and...

Quick Social Tips Sep23

Quick Social Tips

The basics of native marketing for social media have helped you get started. It’s the nuances of daily content development that will firmly establish your roots and nourish respect among your fan base. We’ve got four content tips that can grow your social media from a seedling into a sprawling success! Blend In But Don’t Fade Fresh, frequent content is a great first step. Now focus on creating content that impacts viewers in milliseconds. When scrolling through their feed, does your content stand out? On one hand, it shouldn’t stand out. The style of your image should blend with the style of the images around it. A stock photo may work for LinkedIn but it’ll be shunned on Snapchat. An immaculate image for Pinterest may garner less interest from artsy, down-to-earth Instagram users. Your images should blend into the community. On the other hand, you don’t want your content to fade into the background. How do you know when you’ve struck the balance? When you’ve created an image that you and people that you know would want to retweet, share, or repin: images that are bright and bold, that reflect the energy of a crowd or movement, that use interesting angles or lighting, or those that simply make you stop and smile. Those are all features that catch your attention, right? Deliver that to your fans. Establish Quick Brand Identity Users should not have to read much or focus too hard to identify your brand. If they have to find your little profile icon on the left of a post, you’ve made them work too hard. Establish quick brand identity by adding your logo as a watermark or having your logo or community name visible within the background of the image. If your community...