Building Bridges

By on Dec 24, 2021 in Giving

For many developmentally and neurologically divergent children, navigating the world requires a customized approach. Recent decades have cultivated improved understanding of neurological disorders, offering new therapies to children and their caregivers. The Warren Center leads the charge in bringing innovative care to Texas families.

Meet Matthew

When Matthew first arrived at The Warren Center, he was nonverbal. His Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis helped to explain why he found it difficult to communicate. When he became frustrated or overwhelmed, he would hide under a table. His parents sought ways to help their bright child better express himself and improve his social skills.

After working consistently with The Warren Center, Matthew is now able to express his needs, desires, interests and ideas. As a result, he ditched his habit of hiding under the table. He is now speaking in sentences.

“He started with five words, and now his words are countless and he’s saying five-word sentences,” said his mother with a smile.

Matthew and his mother are one of many families who have found the tools that they need through The Warren Center. Each family receives customized care plans based on their unique circumstances. Experts work one-on-one with families to empower them with the therapies and services required for success.

The Warren Center offerings

Yardi is a proud sponsor of The Warren Center, which serves children and families impacted by developmental delays and disabilities. The nonprofit operates 15 sites throughout Texas as well as ongoing telehealth services.

Programs at The Warren Center include the Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) program in which personalized therapy sessions take place in a child’s home or daycare. Children under three years of age receive therapy in communication, motor skills and sensory processing.

Clinic Therapy Services offer comprehensive evaluation and therapy for children three years of age and older. It includes the foundational principles of ECI along with social skills. Individual and group therapies are available through the clinic.

Family Education and Support (FES) uses engaging tools like workshops, support meetings and a resource library to help caregivers navigate their youth’s developmental journey.

The organization recently introduced Therasuit, a groundbreaking method that integrates exercises and supportive equipment. Through the suit and protocols, kids with neurological differences can experience improved posture, balance, flexibility and range of motion.

Kids and their families may use a combination of services and change modalities over the years.

Keep the good work going!

Yardi’s contributions assist families who cannot afford therapy and/or their insurance will not cover such services. With public and private support, The Warren Center upholds its mission to serve all families regardless of their ability to pay. Join Yardi in keeping that honorable mission alive. Consider donating or becoming a volunteer.

The Warren Center CEO Amy Spawn says, “The Warren Center has a culture of relationships. We truly believe that it is important to do what is best for each child and family. Each family is different and has different needs. We would like every parent to know that we are here for them to help as much as they need. We are here to empower them to advocate for their child.”

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