7 Security Tips

By on Sep 17, 2014 in News

September is REALTOR Safety Month, an excellent opportunity to spread ashutterstock_197359256wareness about security and safety issues facing our industry.  The list below highlights seven safety tips that can keep you safe while working and networking online.

  1. Review your company’s internet policy and stick with it. We understand that policies are absolutely positively boring but they are in place for very good reasons. Rules for downloading apps and software can be particularly important as they prevent viruses and hackers from gaining easy access to your machine—and all of the sensitive data that can be accessed from it.
  2. Not even your mother deserves your passwords. It’s easy to let a co-worker or family member “borrow” your password for a quick login but resist the urge. You’re accountable for anything that happens when you’re signed in. Also, avoid using the same credentials for your personal and professional accounts.
  3. Your password should be as complicated as tax law. Each account should have a unique password with a mixture of characters (capitals, symbols, numbers). While they may be easier to remember, avoid using names and dates, which many people could figure out just by browsing your Facebook profile.
  4. Make security software updates automatic. You’ve got enough to remember as it is. Keep your machine, client data and personal data safe by maintaining updated security software at all times.
  5. Think twice about clicking links, even from coworkers. If you receive an email or chat from a coworker that seems suspicious—words and punctuation that they don’t use, topics they’d never broach—it’s probably a scam. Delete or quarantine the message immediately. If you’re uncertain, check with your peer through an alternate method to confirm that he or she is the sender.
  6. Invest in identity protection.  In our increasingly digital age, so much of our personal data is stored online, potentially making it available to identity thieves.  Lifelock and other programs can help you protect your identity and alert you of any suspicious activity.
  7. Share safety tips with your children. Kids growing up with the internet can be complacent about its dangers. Take the time to talk to your kids about internet and social media safety, as well as how to take advantage of privacy settings. Remember, tagging your kids in photos is an easy way to connect them with other adults from your contact list that you may not know too well.