Property Marketing Jan25

Property Marketing

Each year Google pushes out over 500 updates to its search algorithm, and 2012 was no different.  In its effort to improve the quality of search results, the latest updates may have helped to level the playing field for property managers and increased the opportunity to drive leads to your doorstep.  Now is the time to plan out where your online efforts will be focused in the months ahead.     G+Local If you haven’t already claimed your property online, this should be your first step in 2013.  If you’re unsure, simply do a Google search for your apartment community and include the city.  If you’ve claimed your business it should be the first result.  Select the Google+ page link to view your page.  On the right hand side of the Google+ page is a link to Manage this Page, meaning manage your business listing. If your property’s website is not toward the top of the results, it most likely has not been claimed or there aren’t enough details included in the listing.  Whether you need to update your listing or create a new one, you’ll need a Google+ account to get started;   Be sure to fill out all of the fields, upload your logo and photos, include a description and your website URL.  One benefit of claiming your community is the increased screen real estate that will be given to your property in the search results.  Google will include a map in the result, directions to the property, phone numbers and hours of operation, photos, and a link to your website.  Claiming your G+ Local page is also important because Google is emphasizing personal and local results.  In addition, if someone is searching for your property with a mobile device they’ll be...