New reports available


We’ve expanded our reporting system with seven new eLearning reports to help give you the data to effectively manage your university and its curriculum.

Our new Test Stats report can help you diagnose potential testing issues and evaluate the effectiveness of your learning assessments. Zero in on newly available statistics tracking average completion attempts, scores and more for each test in your university.

Additionally, eLearning includes a comprehensive, data-driven assessment of each event instructor in your university. With our Instructor Stats report, instructors and administrators alike can review a series of key metrics, such as average attendance and event test scores, to measure the impact of your instructor-led training and identify areas for improvement.

Want to know even more about your university? These reports can provide key insights:

User Login – View overall login trends in your university, or take a more granular look at the login activity of your individual users.

Track Not Assigned and Learning Plan Not Assigned – Generate a list of users without an assigned track or learning plan.

Course Assigned and Track Assigned – View a breakdown of completion progress for all courses and tracks assigned to your users.

Event Registration – See a list of users who have registered for an event and whether or not they attended that event.

Event Not Registered – Track which users have not registered for an event within a specified date range.
