Yardi Voyagerâ„¢ as its property management and accounting platform."> ARC Southwest Management Launches Residential Property Management Business with Yardi Voyager - Yardi

ARC Southwest Management Launches Residential Property Management Business with Yardi Voyager


Newly established residential property management company ARC Southwest Management has selected Yardi Voyager�

SANTA BARBARA, CALIF., August 3, 2010 – Newly established residential property management company ARC Southwest Management has selected Yardi Voyagerâ„¢ as its property management and accounting platform.

Yardi Voyager will integrate ARC Southwest Management’s property management and accounting on a centralized platform. Voyager also offers ARC Southwest Management the option to add several products. The new products could perform online procurement, automated invoice processing, property marketing, integrated utility billing, automated rental pricing and other functions.

“All of the company’s partners used Voyager in previous jobs, and we immediately knew it was the right choice for ARC Southwest Management. We knew that Voyager can be configured to support a start-up company. We also recognized that it will easily scale as we acquire properties and grow,” said Vickie Orlowski, a partner in ARC Southwest Management. “In addition, many of our anticipated joint venture partners use Voyager. This will help us work efficiently with them.”

One product that ARC Southwest Management plans to add to Yardi Voyager is Yardi CHECKscanâ„¢, which scans rent checks into electronic Voyager transactions. Yardi CHECKscan also enables same-day electronic fund transfers to the bank. Another product, Yardi Portalâ„¢, features a dynamic link with Yardi Voyager that allows numerous online self-service options for residents. Those options include rent payments, lease renewals and work order requests. “We want our site managers spending their time leasing properties and taking care of residents. CHECKscan and Portal will help them by eliminating duplicate data entry, trips to the bank, and other non-core tasks,” Orlowski said.

Yardi also provides hosting services to ARC Southwest Management through its Application Service Provider (ASP). With ASP, Yardi serves and maintains the Voyager application and database for ARC Southwest Management from its data center. Yardi assumes responsibility for all application updates, network security, hardware, bandwidth and infrastructure, allowing ARC Southwest Management to focus on its principal business.

“We are pleased that ARC Southwest Management selected Voyager to inaugurate its business. Yardi is dedicated to providing the ongoing service and support that will help ARC Southwest grow its business and work efficiently, competitively and cost-effectively,” said Terri Dowen, senior vice president of sales for Yardi.

About ARC Southwest Management

ARC Southwest Management, based in Tempe, Ariz., was founded in 2010 as an independent division of commercial property management firm Arcadia Management Group Inc. ARC Southwest Management, whose partners include Vickie Orlowski, Tracy Valenzuela and John Cunningham, acquires and manages residential properties in the southwestern United States.

About Yardi

Yardi Systems has been committed to the design, development, and support of real estate investment management and property management software for more than 28 years. With its Yardi Multifamily Suiteâ„¢, Yardi Commercial Suiteâ„¢, and Yardi Investment Suiteâ„¢, the Yardi Voyagerâ„¢ system is the most comprehensive single real estate management platform on the market today. Yardi serves clients around the world from offices in Asia, Australia, Europe and North America. More information about Yardi products and services is available at www.yardi.com.

Trade Media Contact: Joel Nelson 805.699-2040, ext. 1255