PIC: The Next Generation

Did you know HUD is working on replacing the current PIC system? Most of you have probably heard about the new PIC (Public Information Center) system replacement called “PIC-Next Generation” (or “PIC-NG”). There are some very good reasons why HUD is doing this. According to their assessment, PHAs spend millions of hours per year correcting […]

Yardi Payment Processing Adds Bill Pay

Yardi announced the addition of Yardi® Bill Bay to Yardi Payment Processing™, a payment processing solution for property management that makes it possible to process payments for accounts receivable and accounts payable as part of the Yardi Voyager® property management and accounting platform. Adding automated vendor payments will save users time, reduce errors and decrease paper use.

Yardi Matrix Monthly Real Estate Market Report: U.S. Apartment Rents Flatten in September

SANTA BARBARA, Calif., October 4, 2016 – The U.S. apartment rent average fell in September for the first time since November 2015. The $1 drop, to $1,219, came amid 4.7% year-over-year growth nationwide during the month, according to data compiled from 123 markets surveyed by Yardi® Matrix. Despite the decrease, multifamily fundamentals remain strong. Occupancy […]

