Industry Links
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As part of our commitment to the industry and our clients, Yardi staff participates in hundreds of regional and national industry associations and events throughout North America, Europe and Asia. Through conferences, trade shows and training events, we connect with our clients and stay apprised of critical issues that affect the market and impact the way our clients do business.
- AHMA – ET Affordable Housing Management Association of East Texas
- AHMA – IA/NE Affordable Housing Management Association of Iowa & Nebraska
- AHMA – ID Affordable Housing Management Association of Idaho
- AHMA – MA Affordable Housing Management Association, Mid-Atlantic
- AHMA – MPD Affordable Housing Management Association of Mountains Plains & Deserts
- AHMA – NCNH Association of Housing Management Agents of Northern California & Hawaii
- AHMA – NW Affordable Housing Management Association of Alaska & Washington
- AHMA – OR Affordable Housing Management Association of Oregon
- AHMA – PSW Affordable Housing Management Association of Pacific Southwest
- LAHMA Louisiana Affordable Housing Management Association
- MAHMA Midwest Affordable Housing Management Association
- NAHMA National Affordable Housing Management Association
- NEAHMA New England Affordable Housing Management Association
- PAHMA Pennsylvania Affordable Housing Management Association, Inc.
- SAHMA Southeastern Affordable Housing Management Association
- SWAHMA Southwestern Affordable Housing Management Association
- BOMA International Building Owners and Managers Association International
- BOMA-IE Building Owners & Managers Association of the Inland Empire
- BOMA-LA Building Owners & Managers Association of Greater LA
- BOMA-OAK Building Owners & Managers Association of Oakland – East Bay
- BOMA-OC Building Owners & Managers Association of Orange County
- BOMA-SAC Building Owners & Managers Association of Sacramento
- BOMA-SD Building Owners & Managers Association of San Diego
- BOMA-SF Building Owners & Managers Association of San Francisco
- BOMA-SV Building Owners & Managers Association of Silicon Valley
- BPF British Property Federation
- BTA Building Trades Association
- EPRA European Public Real Estate Association
- ICSC International Council of Shopping Centers
- IREM Institute of Real Estate Management
- INREV European Association for Investors in Non-Listed Real Estate Vehicles
- IREM-OC Institute of Real Estate Management – Orange County
- NAIOP National Association of Industrial and Office Properties
- NAREIT National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts
- NCREIF National Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries
- OSCRE The Open Standards Consortium for Real Estate, International
- PREA Pension Real Estate Association
- Revo Revo Community
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
- HUD United States Department of Housing and Urban Development
- TRACS Tenant Rental Assistance Certification System
- HUDCLIPS HUD Client Information Policy Systems (regulations & forms)
- HUD Income Limits
- Federal Regulations
HUD Policy Questions:
To request a form to obtain new TRACSMail IDs, to reset TRACSMail passwords, or for TRACS-related questions:
TRACSMail Hotline: (800) 767-7588
Email: [email protected]
Multifamily and Residential
- AAA Atlanta Apartment Association
- AAA Austin Apartment Association
- AAGD Apartment Association of Greater Dallas
- AAMD Apartment Association of Metro Denver
- AASK Apartment Association of Seattle & King County
- ABO Associated Builders and Owners of Greater New York
- ARLA Alberta Residential Landlord Association
- BCAOMA British Columbia Apartment Owners and Managers Association
- BCNP British Columbia Non-Profit Housing Association
- BILD Building Industry and Land Development Association, Greater Toronto Area
- CAA California Apartment Association
- CAA-Chicago Chicagoland Apartment Association
- CAA Colorado Apartment Association
- CAI Community Associations Institute
- CAI – Channel Islands Community Associations Institute – Channel Islands
- CAI – OCRC Community Associations Institute – Orange County
- CFAA Canadian Federation of Apartment Associations
- CTAA Connecticut Apartment Association
- CRRA Calgary Residential Rental Association
- FRPO Federation of Rental-housing Providers of Ontario
- GAA Georgia Apartment Association
- GBHA Greater Boston Housing Association
- GNAA Greater Nashville Apartment Association
- GTAA Greater Toronto Apartment Association
- HAA Houston Apartment Association
- HDAA Hamilton & District Apartment Association
- JAHMA New Jersey Affordable Housing Management Association
- MHI Manufactured Housing Institute
- NAA National Apartment Association
- NAHB National Association of Home Builders
- NARPM National Association of Residential Property Managers
- NCHM National Center for Housing Management
- NLHA National Leased Housing Association
- NMHC National Multifamily Housing Council
- NOAA Northeast Ohio Apartment Association
- NSA National Society of Accountants
- NTREA National Trust Real Estate Association
- ONPHA Ontario Non-Profit Housing Association
- PAA – Central Pennsylvania Apartment Association Central
- PAA – East Pennsylvania Apartment Association East
- PAA – West Pennsylvania Apartment Association West
- PMA Property Management Association
- PSWRC-NAHRO Pacific Southwest Regional Council of National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials
- RHAPS Rental Housing Association of Puget Sound
- SDCAA San Diego County Apartment Association 32nd Annual Rental Housing Education Conference & EXPO
- SIOR Society of Industrial and Office Realtors
- TAA Texas Apartment Association
PHA Organizations
- NAHRO National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials
- NAHRO – PSWRC National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials – Pacific Southwest Regional Council
- NCSHA National Council of State Housing Agencies
- TRACS Tenant Rental Assistance Certification System
- HUD Department of Housing and Urban Development
- HUDCLIPS HUD Regulations & Forms
- HUD Income Limits
- HUD Federal Regulations
Rural Development Organizations
- AHAIN Rural Rental Housing Association of Indiana
- ARHC – Washington Council of Affordable and Rural Housing – Washington
- CARH Council of Affordable and Rural Housing
- RRHA – IL Rural Rental Housing Association of Illinois
- RRHA – KA Rural RentalHousing Association of Kansas
- RRHA – OK Rural Rental Housing Association of Oklahoma
- RRHA – TX Rural Rental Housing Association of Texas
- ULI Urban Land Institute
- USDA Rural Development
- USDA State Offices
- USDA Management Agent Interactive Network Connection (MINC)
- USDA Rural Housing Service
Senior Housing Organizations
- AHCA/NCAL American Health Care Association/National Center for Assisted Living
- Argentum
- ASHA American Senior Housing Association
- BCNPHA British Columbia Non-Profit Housing Association
- CALA California Assisted Living Association
- LeadingAge
- NCAC National Council for Aging Care
- NIC National Investment Center for Seniors Housing and Care