Managing Risk Jun06

Managing Risk

Property owners and managers now have a new tool for making their communities safer places—VendorShield, Yardi’s new automated vendor screening platform. VendorShield lets property owners and managers define their requirements for insurance coverage, professional licenses and background checks. The system follows the custom rules for searching government watch lists and other national and local verification sources to ensure suppliers meet requirements. Regular auditing ensures ongoing compliance. With credential screening automated and insurance data auditing outsourced to the Yardi compliance team, property staff members have more time for their core responsibilities. VendorShield also simplifies management of Form W-9s, certificates of insurance, service contracts and other documents. “VendorShield helps facilitate safe communities for residents, tenants, vendors and staff,” said Terri Dowen, senior vice president of sales for Yardi. “The full integration of VendorShield with Yardi Voyager and VENDORCafé provides a convenient one-stop shop for vendor management.” Download a brochure to learn more about how VendorShield helps reduce risk and promotes a supportive community...